King becomes the Next Luffy's Nakama in One Piece 1050

One Piece 1050 : King becomes The Next Luffy’s Nakama

Eiichiro Oda indirectly confirmed that King will be the next Straw Hat crew in One Piece 1050 .

There are several clues from Oda to One Piece 1050 that explain why King will be the next Luffy ‘s nakama .

So if true, King will be the Straw Hat crew after Jinbe.

In One Piece 1050 it is known that Oden is a former member of the Whitebeard Pirates.

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From the facts that exist until One Piece 1050 it is also known that Oden’s death was caused by Kaido.

But from the latest clues, finally revealed the reason why Whitebeard did not avenge Oden’s death to Kaido.

It was revealed in One Piece 1050 that Whitebeard was the only Rocks crew that didn’t escape during the God Valley incident.

From the facts that exist until One Piece 1050 , the Rocks pirate group is known to have been defeated by the cooperation of Monkey D Garp and Gol D Roger.

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Then recently there was a hint that Whitebeard was the only person still fighting in God Valley.

Ahead of the release of One Piece 1050 , Eiichiro Oda indirectly revealed that Joy Boy’s Haki power is on a different level.

From the facts that exist until One Piece 1050 , Joy Boy’s Haki is allegedly much stronger than legendary figures like Roger and Shanks.

This was revealed after the shocking fact that Kaido had just said.

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