My Hero Academia All The User Quirk One For All!

My Hero Academia: Every User Quirk One For All !

all fans of the My Hero Academia series, of course you are no stranger to the most popular Quirks in the series, One For All. One For All is a Quirk known as the most powerful in the series. All For One are Quirks that were accidentally created by All For One.

At that time, initially All For One created the Quirk for the younger brother who did not have a Quirk. The way it works itself, this Quirk will store various types of Quirks that can be used by its users. Although originally the Quirk was created for his sister, but the Quirk has been passed down to many people. Here are Quirk One For All users throughout the series.

What Is Quirk

What Is Quirk

Quirk is a general term for the strength possessed by a hero in the Anime Boku no Hero Academia. In the Anime Boku no Hero Academia, it is normal for everyone to have a Quirk from birth, most people only have one Quirk.

Here The list Of All The User Quirk One For All

Diagoro Banjo

Diagoro Banjo

The fifth user of Quirk One For All, Diagoro Banjo. Banjo inherited the Quirk One For All from its previous user, Hikage Shinomori. However, unlike Hikage, Banjo managed to use all the abilities and powers of this Quirk when dealing with All For One. Even so, Banjo still struggled and barely survived.

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In fact, Banjo almost lost his Quirk. Apart from this, Diagoro Banjo is a hero who is quite strong and is respected by many people. This means that his fighting ability is quite higher than Hikage. Banjo has a Quirk called Blackwhip, where when he is angry he will produce a whip or whip of powerful energy.


En boku no hero academia

En is the sixth user of the Quirk One For All, before he bequeathed the Quirk to Nana Shimura. What’s interesting is that En received or inherited this Quirk by accident, because En was at the right time and place when the power transfer process occurred. En himself is known to be the owner of the Smokescreen Quirk, one of the Quirks that Deku uses in battle.

Smokescreen Quirk is an ability where the user will be able to create a plume of smoke, large or small, that can hide their location. And it will certainly be very useful in the battles and operations of the heroes. En had twice tried to fight against All For One, but his technique was almost stolen. His true strength is still a mystery.

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Nana Shimura

Nana Shimura

Nana Shimura is the seventh user of Quirk One For All. Nana is the only female heir of One For All. Nana Shimura is a strong woman, and all of this is possible thanks to Nana who inherited her Quirk from En before she died. Nana herself is a user and owner of one of the Quirks in One For All, the Float Quirk.

As the name implies, the Float Quirk allows Nana to float or walk in the air. Nana often combines this Quirk with other Quirks from One For All, which makes Nana a hero to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, Nana is not strong enough to face All For One which makes her have to die in the fight.

Yagi Toshinori

Yagi Toshinori

Yagi Toshinori aka All Might is a symbol of peace for all people in the world of My Hero Academia. All Might is the hope for people to create a world that is safe and peaceful. What’s interesting is that before becoming All Might, Yagi was the same person as Deku where he was born without a Quirk. Yagi then inherited One For All from Nana Shimura and then later he turned into the figure we know, All Might.

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In addition to his Quirk, Yagi also inherited the will from Nana. He also managed to use all of his Quirk abilities. When Yagi uses 100% of this Quirk, All Might will be able to match defeating All For One. In fact, All Might managed to beat All For All several times by using the Quirk.

Izuku Midoriya

Izuku Midoriya

Izuku Midoriya aka Deku is the ninth and final user of Quirk One For All. And what’s interesting is that Deku is the most powerful user and owner of this Quirk compared to other users. Although Deku is not yet at his best in the use of Quirk One For All, the series shows how Deku struggles to become the number one hero.

Deku still hasn’t mastered One For All, but when he is able to use 100% of his power then he will be as strong as All Might. And the surprising fact is that One For All will get stronger when his Quirks are passed on to the next generation. So, it seems natural that then Deku becomes the owner of the most powerful Quirk One For All.